Let’s talk about something that’s just as important as our morning coffee – SLEEP! Getting quality sleep affects our energy levels and mood, but it also impacts our overall wellness. Here’s how CBD may help.
Let’s talk about something that’s just as important as our morning coffee – SLEEP! Getting quality sleep affects our energy levels and mood, but it also impacts our overall wellness. Here’s how CBD may help.
Have you ever had trouble sleeping in a new place? Yeah, us too. Here’s why that happens, and what you can do about it.
Sleep impacts every part of our health. That’s why we feel our best when we’re well-rested, and why we may suffer from mood swings, poor balance, lack of focus, and more when we’re not. Prioritizing good, restorative sleep is a crucial component of our overall health and wellness. In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of sleep, signs you are or aren’t getting enough, and some ideas about how to improve your sleep quality. In this post, we’re diving deeper into one improvement opportunity: sleep hygiene.
It may seem odd to learn that scientists don’t fully understand why we sleep. But I’m sure you know from experience that sleeping – or not sleeping – has a huge impact on our overall health and wellness. According to the CDC, up to 30% of adults aren’t getting the sleep they need. If you’re one of them, read on…
Kind Lab founder Angela talks with host Montel Williams of Let’s Be Blunt, about all things cannabis and sleep/stress.
When we’re feeling tired or worn down, we often assume we need more sleep. But while sleep is a critical function for health, rest is so much more – and something we didn’t do much of while trying to survive a pandemic.
Sleep is a critical part of your wellness routine! Along with nutrition and exercise, sleep is one of the pillars of optimal health. Read more about the importance of sleep and how CBD-rich hemp may support your sleep goals.
So many people struggle with sleep. Fortunately, CBD-rich hemp can be a great option to start catching those Zs and waking up to better days.
We get asked a lot how stress affects weight. For many people, stress can have a direct impact on their weight – either loss or gain.
Staying healthy is everyone’s priority now, so understanding what makes & keeps our minds and bodies healthy is key. There are physical, mental, and social aspects that comprise a bigger picture. Here are some tips from experts to get you started on big-picture wellness with a focus on boosting your immune system through nutrition, exercise, and stress/sleep management.